Flashback Friday #5 with Harry Potter and Inspirational Movie Quotes #nablopomo #blogher #amblogging #guestpost
Friday, November 4, 2011 at 8:11PM
Nicole in Guest Posts by Me, NaBloPoMo

It’s about time to highlight two guest posts on other blogs that I wrote and never got around to really mentioning them in detail on this blog, until now. They include a guest post that was published during the 2011 WordCount Blogathon and a more recent one that I wrote in the fall...all listed here for your reading pleasure. Just click the post titles and go on over to the blogs to read the full posts. Also, let this serve as an explanation for some of the moments when I didn’t post here for several days. It is probably because I was tending to the comments section of my guest posts. Enjoy!

Movie Quotes that Inspire Me, You and Everyone that We Know

I changed the title up here a bit, so as to add a little variety but this particular guest post at Anyes’ Far Away in the Sunshine blog covers some perspectives on two movie quotes that are dear to me and could be useful to others people. It is in this guest post that I explain how these movie quotes can apply to the way in which we choose to live our lives, for better or worse.
*Just a quick note: keep in mind that there is an abrupt cut-off at the end of the second to last paragraph. If you just continue reading, past the photo of me, that paragraph continues*

What’s Your Harry Potter Blog Commenting Personality?

Blog comments fit into one of three categories, or personalities....at least where the Harry Potter films are concerned, which is what we explore on Arlee Bird's Tossing It Out blog. I list and explain the different personality traits of Harry, Ron and Hermione while illustrating how they apply to the commenting styles of blog readers, no matter what topic is being discussed in a particular post.

It was interesting to learn where readers fit in based on their own observations of what types of comments they write on a blog, in comparison to the Harry Potter personality traits that I listed there. Try it for yourself after reading this guest post and see where you think your place is among the magical Hogwarts trio!

As the first weekend of November gets started, be sure to check in on the Ryan Gosling posts from October, because he is on his way off of the King Dong throne.

Happy Friday!

The Flashback Friday series was inspired by Tara’s “Fake It Friday!” at Two Hands and a Roadmap. She has saved me from losing my mind, on many occasions.

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Article originally appeared on (https://www.madlabpost.com/).
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