Flashback Friday #6 with Black and White Film, Documentaries, oh my! #nablopomo #blogher
Friday, November 11, 2011 at 8:33PM
Nicole in Guest Bloggers, NaBloPoMo

nablopomo,guest posts,guest bloggers

Last week, I introduced you all to some guest posts that I wrote this year for other blogs. Today, you are all welcome to join me in taking a look back at some guest posts that other peeps wrote for this blog. Here we go!

Black and White Movies....why Not?

Anyes at Far Away in the Sunshine was kind enough to share not only why she loves black and white movies so much, but also which films were the favorites in this genre. I remember not being in the best of places that month and am grateful to have met Aynes, who is such a joy to host as a guest blogger. She brought the sunshine to my world that week! -- in black and white, go figure.

Favorite Documentaries that Made Me a Better Writer

Who knew that you could improve your writing by watching movies?! Well, Rashida at Books, Bass and Beauty explains how documentaries help her with character development being authentic and more. I had no idea that one of the documentaries on her list was one that I watched on Netflix some time ago and didn't love it...but, didn't hate it either. That goes to show how a movie that doesn't really move one person (me) may still move another (her), so never count a title out until you've watched it for yourself because you just may find it to be among one of your favorites.

The Flashback Friday series was inspired by Tara’s “Fake It Friday!” at Two Hands and a Roadmap.

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Article originally appeared on (https://www.madlabpost.com/).
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