GloZell, Jay Leno’s #1 Fan on NBC and Obama Sex
Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 6:42AM
Nicole in Actors, TV

Move over Ross Matthews, make room for GloZell!


The Tonight Show has a new host but Jay Leno had a big influence on entertainment fans and bloggers. GloZell Green is one of these fans who welcomed the year 2009 by blogging more about her own career as a comedian and actress while still remaining a great resource for Tonight Show with Jay Leno history. Now in 2010, GloZell continues to be the voice for all Jay Leno fans, especially now that NBC plans to move Jay Leno back to a late night TV schedule. She also has increased her popularity in the stand-up comedy sector and continues to be a hilarious Youtube sensation. GloZell is like the unofficial guide to The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. She has become a valuable resource to Jay Leno fans and TV viewers around the country.

The GloZell Loves Jay Leno blog is where fans can get a recap of previous episodes of The Tonight Show that they missed. While the web address remains the same, her blog title has changed to “LIVE GREEN... Google GloZell1 on You Tube”, which reflects new and entertaining topics. Fans can still read through her blog archives to get recaps on their favorite late night NBC TV show. GloZell has provided a comprehensive recap of each show, complete with her own reviews on guests featured that night and the topics covered by Jay Leno. She has also become sort of the “unofficial” visitor guide and liaison to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno before Conan O’Brien succeeded Leno as host.

Guests who come to be part of the Tonight Show audience have enjoyed the company of GloZell, who went out of her way to make everyone feel comfortable. GloZell offers up not only recaps of a popular NBC show but also comedic anecdotes on everything from Sex with the Obamas to people she meets everyday. I received the opportunity to chat it up with one of 2009’s Badass Entertainment Bloggers about her new plans, Jay Leno’s new digs on NBC and what makes white guys so attractive.


Madlab Post: How do you think Jay Leno’s move on NBC will affect Tonight Show fans?
GloZell: I think that Jay Leno fans will tune in and watch Jay Leno's new show plus adding new fans because of the earlier time slot. As long as Jay Leno can keep some of his most watched bits like "Jaywalking", and "Headlines"... they will be happy. I do hope Jay Leno adds some new bits also.
UPDATE - GloZell currently supports this new NBC 10:00pm move of The Jay Leno Show to a later time slot. Check out her interview with Good Morning America....

What can you tell us about Jay Leno’s new show on NBC?
All I know is that it is a hour earlier... I aways believed that Jay Leno was staying at NBC ... I just thought it would be at the Tonight Show... but I am happy for him , if that's what he wants.

Your fondness of white guys has stood out on the blog. What makes the average white guy so attractive?
I like white guys hair, style, speech, and lack of drama. I feel like I can dominate them in bed. You asked... I didn't think that the dominating thing would work or feel as good with a black guy because we (African Americans) have so many images of black men being dominated in such horrible ways...So the turn on is like the slave winning the master... but not hurting ... so taboo kind of thing. Plus how cute are biracial children...
White guys are not as aggressive or they are kind of scared of me... because that just didn't work out... I am with a great black guy now.

We crowned Kiefer Sutherland King Dong for his role on "24". Do you agree that he’s hot?
Sutherland... mmmmmmmm no... Because he was on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on his I think 40th Birthday and he seemed sad... Talk about how he just walks around in his hood by himself... it was a low energy interview and I never watched "24 " so I am going only by the one interview. His dad seems like he has some fire in him... love that grey hair.

Bootleg DVDs are illegal, but still popular. Would you purchase them? Why or why not?
I see them all the time at restaurants in the hood... just yesterday I saw the new Wolverine movie for sale... movies are not my thing... I don't watch a lot of them... so I wouldn't buy them... Bootleg or not... Bootleg is wrong because I do consider myself an actor and that is just taking money out of my brother's and sisters in SAG.


You mentioned not attending Tonight Show with Jay Leno tapings. Why did you stop?
I was called into a the Green Room at the Tonight Show and they told me that I wasn't welcome and not to stand on the sidewalk... then I got a comment from a Page that said that I was evil and that she was glad that I don't go to the Tonight Show... It was a Page that really needed a make over and I said that on my blog... her hair was nappy and on and on...

But here's the thing... her own co-workers were talking about her... coming up to me saying how bad she looked...maybe playing both of us... I have no issues with her ... hope she never gets that mad at anyone about a hair comment on a blog from someone who doesn't have a job?... HA

She felt like is was a hostile working environment... and NBC and meetings and me leaving was the results... no hard feelings... still love NBC and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno... Sisters hating on sisters is nothing new.

Interesting way to end a 2 year run huh... I was on the front page of the Daily New as Jay Leno's number one fan 2007.

What was the oddest moment you witnessed while waiting with guests outside for Tonight Show with Jay Leno?
Oh so many odd things... from the Ex porn guy to Prostitutes on vacation... I have to say the oddest thing was a guy who smelled so bad and did 1 and 2 in his clothes... everyone could smell it.. and then he went outside and took a dump in front of the Tonight Show exit. I got a picture of him squatting.. so many... mostly people who want to give Jay their resume, scripts, pictures. So many... it was all fun... oh the lady with the toilet because she wasn't going to get out the line to get tickets to the Jonas Brothers... oh child this is a blog by itself... HA!

Could Jay Leno be a good candidate for our King Dong series?
No. Most people don't think of Jay Leno as hot... A great guy, fun, funny, nice, down to earth (I don't agree with the down to earth part) a guy's guy... but not hot.

In a Previous Blog post, you wrote that Michelle Obama does not go down on Barack Obama because she’s too educated? Can you expand on that a little more with emphasis on the part about educated women and their relation to oral sex?

My thought was that women think of cum shooting on their face as gross and beneath them. the more education the woman (Madlab Post note: In case you didn't know.....Mrs. Obama graduated from Princeton) the more it separates them from the " low lifes" what a prostitute would do. Not proper... so I just wouldn't think the First Lady would... but... only the President knows.

Have you heard about the Jamie Foxx’s and Miley Cyrus sex tape situation? If so, do you think that he should have apologized on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno?

The weird thing with Jamie Foxx and the comment is that Miley Cyrus is underage... but she is the buzz so anyone one saying anything about her is going to make people want to listen. Publicity... you can always apologize... so even that becomes something big in the media.


What impact do you predict blogs having on Movies and TV shows in 2009 (and beyond now that we are in 2010)?
I think blogs will have a big impact... people want to hear from people who they know how they stand on other issues besides movies... so when is like " Your Friend" saying that Yuk I didn't like this movie... sales go down.
I don't like violence... A friend took me to the "Watchmen"... about superheros... to my surprise it was sooooo violent... I would check someone I like blog review on it... and would not have gone... but the guy I went with loved it. Not my kind of movie... I wanted to walk out and was mad at my friend.

What impact do you think the DTV Digital Transition will have on Jay Leno’s new show and TV shows in general?
None... it's the system that all media are going with so... that's that.

Do you watch any other shows aside from Jay Leno?
Ha... I don't watch Jay Leno... I did when I went live... but not on TV... not the same for me... I do see clips of his best joke on Good Day LA in the mornings. I watch Jerry Seinfeld at 10 PM so... I wish Jay the best.

When asked "What are your top five independent films and why?", GloZell responded with a note that the question did not apply to her. I also asked GloZell if she attended any film festivals and what was her experience like, to which she responded that this did not apply to her as well.

There seems to be a mixture of supportive fans and commentators who are not some of your biggest fans. How do you handle the negative feedback posted on your blog and Youtube?
I tell them God Bless You... they are entitled to their opinion... and I welcome a different opinion because mine change... it's the Monkey, Nigger, type comments that I wish wasn't so... I got one " Danny Glover is looking bad these days"... I thought that was funny... so be creative... I like to laugh... I can laugh at myself... so no one has to agree with me... I appreciate people taking the time to leave a comment... most of the time they help me go on, feel good. I don't get paid from blogging (yet) and didn't know that anyone was reading what I was writing for the first 7 months or so.

Thanks to GloZell for doing this interview with the Madlab Post.

Are you a fan of GloZell? Do you support the new NBC changes that affect the current Jay Leno show and the Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien? Your comments are welcome!

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