Shooting at the Bridge Movie Theater in Philadelphia
Friday, January 15, 2010 at 11:35PM
Nicole in Movies

Movie Theaters

So, I'm watching the 11 o'clock CBS News program a few minutes ago and the reporters notify viewers that there was a recent shooting in the lobby of the Bridge Cinema de lux movie theater today. The Bridge Movie theater is located in the University City area of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. Wait, there's more.

According to a CBS news reporter, this shooting was the result of a robbery attempt made at the box office in The Bridge Movie theater. The theater was full with moviegoers at the time, all watching movies in various screening rooms. Some of the moviegoers were unaware of what was happening out in the theater lobby. After demanding money, the robber was confronted by an off-duty police officer and the two men exchanged gunfire. The officer was hit in the shoulder and the robber fled the scene. A young college student and innocent bystander was also shot.

This is terrible news, especially because The Bridge Cinema de lux movie theater is one of the nicer theaters in Philadelphia. Has man kind become so low that we stoop to robbing movie theaters now? Stealing and related crimes are bad enough as it is.
While one of the moviegoers gave her account of the incident to CBS news, I noticed a young man smiling and possibly even laughing in the background. Robbery and shootings are not funny and that has to be one of the most despicable actions that I have noticed recently on the news. Too many people are so ignorant and cruel, it makes me wonder why Philadelphia is still referred to as "The City of Brotherly Love" in the first place. There isn't any love if you can laugh and joke around after a robbery and shooting in a public venue where hundreds of people could have been seriously harmed.

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