So Far Away
Monday, April 7, 2008 at 5:00AM
Nicole in Madlab Entertainment, News and Updates

This post has been a long time coming....quite a few weeks even. Thanks to all of you who read the Madlab Post and extra thanks to the subscribers of this blog. The last month has been less productive here as I try to re-evaluate where I am headed by figuring out where it is exactly that I want to go. I am working on formating a feature length script in plans to produce it sometime this year, lord willing. Also, I need to get off of my bum and try to see what's going to become of this short documentary that's been in limbo for far too long. Also, I need to figure out whether or not I have the time to devote to directing these two religious shorts or just stick a fork in it. When New Year's hit on Janurary 2008, no one couldn't tell me that this was not going to be my year. I had so many plans to be more productive and eventually more successful in many areas. Now, that seems like an ancient feeling of excitement stemming from one delusional look at what was ahead for the year of 2008.

Hollywood may seem far, but can I at least get a damn movie off of the ground (one that's more meaningful and preferably...feature length), in front of a larger audience and make more money with media, literature or art? I'm not reaching for hollywood. I'd be satisfied with a finished film that I can discuss more, an acceptance letter from a major film festival or something that keeps me out of the "average joe" world and closer to the filmmaking world. Most of those things however, must not affect the purpose of this blog which is to keep you all up to date on what's going on with the coolest independent films and events happening in our world.

To that respect, April should be an exciting month as the Madlab Post gets back on track with new King Dongs, Giveaways, Celebrity news and hot spots in the independent film community. Don't hesitate to leave a comment with more posts that you would like to see here. Do you want to find out about new movies so that you will not be bored over the summer? Do you want to find out how to get cast in a movie or tv show? Do you want to learn more about what celebrity actors are currently working on? What would YOU like to see more of on the Madlab Post? Drop a comment below!

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