It Doesn't Suck, It Blows!
Monday, December 24, 2007 at 5:53AM

Talk about going all out.....Hollywood actor Will Smith will be helping the environment starting with how we use the bathroom. He has purchased high-tech toilets from Japan that spray butts with air and water. These modern toilets make it so that toilet paper is no longer needed, making for less pollution. Smith refers to these toilets as a "gift from heaven", but makes it clear that he keeps a few "normal toilets" in his home for those who cannot handle the high-tech versions. The famed actor also assures that if you think you're going to have your insides removed, its all in your head. The high-tech toilets blow to clean behinds rather than using some form of suction method. That may definitely be a plus when it comes to deciding whether to use these new toilets or not. However, there may not be a need to ponder on this decision for long since one of the world's most beloved men are endorsing them.

Would you use these toilets? Leave your comments below!

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