Orlando Bloom Movies are where to find King Dong of October 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 10:32AM
Nicole in Actors, King Dong

Photo: Full-Bloom.net

A man who was recently in
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
and played a Sindarin Elf in Lord of the Rings...
Orlando Bloom has stepped his game way up.
Now the time has come for him to be crowned King.
This Hollywood actor selects the right roles
in movies that will continue to keep him paid.
The lucky woman who lands him
should want him for a million days.

Photo: Orlando Bloom Central

Do not expect him to loose the spotlight in Hollywood
any time soon.
There is a man who is hotter than Brad Pitt right now.
His name is Orlando Bloom.
Give props, watch Orlando Bloom movies,
collect Orlando Bloom pictures and Posters and
if you still wonder why
Orlando Bloom is the new King Dong...
It's because he's fly and he's our guy!

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*King Dong compiled by Chellbee and Nicole A.

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